WHO Introduces Online Repository of Evidence-informed Decision-making Tools

India Pharma Outlook Team | Friday, 25 August 2023

 India Pharma Outlook Team

The first of its kind, the WHO online repository of evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) tools highlights WHO tools as well as external tools used by WHO to facilitate knowledge translation and partner organisations involved in the process of planning, managing, monitoring, and evaluating evidence use and implementation. The Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit of the Research for Health Department in the Science Division has established a collection of tools to assist its EIDM capacity-sharing effort in collaboration with the Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet).

The repository expands on the WHO evidence ecosystem concept, which was published last year in Evidence, Policy, and Impact. WHO guide for evidence-informed decision-making, with a particular emphasis on the policy/action cycle. The policy/action cycle describes the evidence application process within the EIDM workstream, beginning with identifying high-priority concerns and ending with designing, disseminating, and implementing solutions to these issues. It also entails assessing, correcting, and maintaining any gains made in order to improve global health and equity.

The user-friendly online platform allows users to search for and use EIDM methodologies and tools for each stage of the policy/action cycle. In addition to searching across the cycle, users can refine their searches by document type, language, and publication date utilising additional features. The platform includes tools for clinical (or practise), public health, and health system use. The repository now stores and maintains 75 tools, and it is constantly updated as new tools emerge. The Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit will actively add new tools to the repository, as well as conduct a scoping literature review and other procedures. The Evidence to Policy and Impact Unit and EVIPNet will include the online collection of EIDM tools into their other capacity-building efforts.

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