Illness to Wellness & YoloHealth Promoting Preventive Healthcare

India Pharma Outlook Team | Friday, 29 March 2024

 Ayushman Bharat,health services, India Pharma Outlook

Affordable and timely diagnosis of lifestyle-related diseases has become a growing issue in the present world, where life habit changes occur and cause complexity. ‘Illness to Wellness,’ the awareness campaign with a national scope that strongly advocates for healthy living in the preservation of healthier communities, in pursuit of this objective, has collaborated with YoloHealth, a health tech company, to raise people’s awareness of the significance of early detection of potential health problems.

Therefore, Illness to Wellness runs three-day health camps in Delhi to raise community awareness. The first camp will help the Janpath Bhawan Market and the staff of the Janpath Traders Association to spread awareness among more than 300 locals, including shop owners, shop assistants and the general public. Unlike the traditional ATMs, two Yolo HealthATMs were implemented to test site locations.

Highlighting the new policy, Anil Rajput, Chairperson of Assocham CSR Council, said, “The prime minister’s dream is to have a happy India, and therefore the government of India has various initiatives including Fit India and Ayushman Bharat etc. The benefits of these campaigns will be better for the public as a special campaign on ILLNESS TO WELLNESS is being initiated by the I turn to you all, to not to wait for the coming months to do good deeds but to take advantage of our current efforts today!”

On this basis, YoloHealth will maintain its flagship product, i.e., HealthATM, at these camps to demonstrate how modern technology can consistently deliver a perfect or near-perfect health analysis in a shorter time. The Health ATMs modeled on this idea are designed to make primary and prevention health services doable and accessible to everyone in the public. For the first time, this enterprise has allowed people to better view their well-being, monitor their health and make health-informed decisions, thus creating a manifold effect on the community's health.

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