Call for More Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials in Indian Oncology

India Pharma Outlook Team | Wednesday, 31 January 2024

 India Pharma Outlook Team

India needs investigator-led clinical trials, especially in oncology. Dr BS Ajaikumar, chairman of HealthCare Global Enterprises, said there should be more opportunities to conduct cross-sectional studies.

The country has many clinical pharmacies for knowledge, experience, strength, and the critical infrastructure needed to conduct oncology clinical trials regularly. However, he added that the accumulation of constraints, restrictions and misunderstandings prevent us from progressing on this crucial path to clinical trials.

Historically, clinical trials in India have been ignored by drug regulatory authorities. As a result, clinical trials are not recommended for all the wrong reasons. Countries that do not currently encourage doctors to conduct additional clinical trials cannot progress. There are two types of trials: those sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers to test the effectiveness of cancer drugs and secondly, trials initiated by researchers who explore, validate, and implement the results of all types of research that advance areas of per pharmabiz.

The clinical trial is conducted in four phases. Here, Phase 1 aims to determine whether a cancer treatment or drug is safe or effective in a small group of patients. Sections 2 and 3 will explore the potential of patient groups in more depth. Step 4 identifies the pros and cons for many patients. Step 1 is now the default. But the lack of many such tests in India is a big problem that will leave us behind the West, he said

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