W2E technologies have significant potential to contribute to cost savings and enhance a more circular economy. This can result in offsetting energy costs, potential reduction in CH4-Methane & CO2 (GHG Emission) and conservation of land resources
Minimally invasive procedures offer several key advantages over traditional surgical methods. These procedures do not require major surgery, so the body doesn't need large incisions.
Breast cancer radiotherapy has undergone significant transformation over the past many decades. In reviewing its history, surgery stood as the primary treatment modality, with radiotherapy seldom utilized. However, the landscape shifted as the..
In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the confluence of pioneering research and dedicated mentorship stands as a beacon of progress.
The eye-care sector in India is booming. Some eye-care chains have gained considerable recognition and have established themselves all across India. Developments have also been seen in terms of private practice and we can see huge growth in infra
Artificial Intelligence (AI) substantially augments the healthcare domain by enhancing operational efficiency, ensuring superior quality care, and enhancing access to medical services. The ramifications of AI are profound, instigating significant par