| |SEPTEMBER 20248Max Healthcare has announced a strategic partnership with Lakshdeep Group to obtain a majority share in Jaypee Healthcare, which is currently in Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP). The purchase is valued at Rs 1,660 crore in terms of the company's overall worth.According to the deal, Max Healthcare will help repay the debts owed to financial creditors of JHL and also plans to purchase a 64 percent share in the company, along with options to buy or sell the rest of the stake.Max Healthcare may secure a short term loan of up to ?1,000 crore from banks and financial institutions in order to finance the acquisition and refinance the current debt at JHL as a temporary solution.Max stated that the temporary financial support given to JHL by the company will be refunded when JHL receives its regular loan from banks or financial institutions after the acquisition."Addition of Jaypee Healthcare Ltd. to the network is an important milestone in our journey to build a formidable presence in NCR ­ a region which is not only home to 46 million people but also plays a pivotal role in shaping the Indian economy as an economic hub," said Abhay Soi, chairman and managing director, Max Healthcare."We remain focused on formulating a comprehensive strategy that addresses the demands of all stakeholders involved while prioritizing the delivery of quality healthcare services in a sustainable manner and potentially expand the flagship Noida facility to 1200 beds over next few years," Soi said. POMAX HEALTHCARE ACQUIRES JAYPEE HEALTHCARE FOR 1,660 CRORESTEALTH TO DEVELOP MITOCHONDRIAL THERAPEUTIC FOR FRIEDREICH'S ATAXIATOP STORIESStealth BioTherapeutics Inc., a biotech company in clinical stage, and Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) have announced that Stealth has received the Kyle Bryant Translational Research Award from FARA to study SBT-589 in Friedreich's ataxia (FA), a disease related to mitochondrial dysfunction.The preclinical research will help guide the progress of SBT-589 for FA neuropathy. Dysfunction of the mitochondria is key to the disease process in FA and results in deficiencies in iron control, energy production, and responses to oxidative stress. These disturbances may decrease the level at which iron-induced cell death occurs, resulting in early loss of neuronal cells during the disease.Preclinical study has demonstrated that SBT-589 specifically focuses on addressing mitochondrial dysfunction in order to enhance bioenergetics, alleviate issues related to iron dysregulation, and decrease the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In the research, SBT-589 effects on neurological and biochemical aspects of disease will be examined in a transgenic mouse model of FA neuropathy."We are grateful for our continued partnership with FARA to determine the therapeutic potential of SBT-589 for individuals living with Friedrich's ataxia," said David A. Brown, Senior Vice President of Discovery at Stealth. "This collaboration will enable further development of SBT-589 as a potential new treatment that directly targets mitochondrial pathology in FA. Stealth has a diverse pipeline of molecules designed to improve cellular energy production, and this award is expected to bolster the progression of one of our lead candidates, SBT-589, into clinical testing". PO
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