| |JULY 20248LILLYN & OPENAI PARTNER TO DISCOVER NOVEL MEDICINESALLECRA & ACINO INK PACT FOR ALLECRA'S NOVEL ANTIBIOTIC EXBLIFEPEli Lilly and Company has declared a collaboration with OpenAI, which will allow Lilly to use OpenAI's generative AI to develop novel antimicrobials for drug-resistant diseases. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major danger to public health and development worldwide."Our collaboration with OpenAI represents a groundbreaking step forward in the fight against the growing but overlooked threat of antimicrobial resistance," said Diogo Rau, executive vice president and chief information and digital officer at Lilly. "Generative AI opens a new opportunity to accelerate the discovery of novel antimicrobials and the development of custom, purpose-built technologies in the battle against drug-resistant pathogens. This partnership underscores our commitment to addressing significant health challenges experienced by people around the world."AMR affects countries of all regions and income levels, and it is aggravated by poverty and inequality, especially in low- and middle-income countries, where the impact and danger are greatest. Misuse and overuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and plants are the primary causes of drug-resistant infections, exacerbating the threat to global health."We're excited to work with Lilly to find new ways to treat microbial infections," said Brad Lightcap, chief operating officer at OpenAI. "Advanced AI has the potential to deliver innovative breakthroughs in pharma, and we're committed to working together with industry leaders to deliver tangible benefits for patients." POAllecra Therapeutics and Acino declared the signing of a licensing agreement in which Acino acquire privileges to popularize Allecra's anti-microbial medication Exblifep (cefepime/enmetazobactam) within the Republic of South Africa and the member states of the GCC alliance, which incorporates Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, from 12 June 2024. Additionally, a supply agreement between the two businesses stipulates that Allecra will supply the cefepime/enmetazobactam finished product in the aforementioned regions."Acino has established itself as a leader in South Africa and the GCC region. They are an ideal partner to support us as we build towards commercialisation of Exblifep following our regulatory approvals in the US and EU," stated Andreas Kranzusch, chief financial officer and managing director at Allecra Therapeutics. "This agreement reflects the understanding that there remains a significant global need to address the dangerous increase of resistance to standard-of-care antibiotics, and we look forward to working with Acino to address this.""At Acino, we are dedicated to providing novel healthcare solutions to physicians and patients, aiming to alleviate the health burden in emerging markets. We are incredibly excited to partner with Allecra to offer access to this innovative product in two key geographic regions and, potentially, beyond," said Andrew Bird, CEO (ai) at Acino. "We are committed to expediting the registration process in these designated markets to ensure hospitals' swift access to Exblifep as they continue to fight against high-risk infectious diseases in patients." POTOP STORIES
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